1. Koç RK: Use of cage and plate in the management of herniated cervical disc prolapse: Its advantages and disadvantages. In: Surgical Management of Cervical Disc Herniation. Ramani PS (ed), Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers New Delhi, India. 2011
2. Koç RK: Microdecompression on lumbar spinal stenosis surgery. In: Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery. Aslantaş A (ed) E book. Ankara ss: 79-88, 2013
3. Koç RK: Lumbar microdiscectomy with preserving of ligamentum flavum and fat tissue. In: Textbook of surgical management of lumbar disc herniation. PS Ramani (ed). Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers. New Delhi, India ss: 95-99, 2013
4. Koç RK: Anterior cervical microforaminotomy. In: Minimal Invasive Procedures in Spine Surgery. Khoo LT, A. Ozer AF (eds), Intrertip publishing house. ss: 45-52, 2015
5. Koç RK: Thoracic and thoracolumbar instrumentation. Principles of Spine Surgery. Özer AF, Arslantaş A, Dalbayrak S (Eds). Intertıp Publishing House Ankara, Turkey ss 425-441, 2015
6. Emmez H, Koç RK: Treatment of lumbar disc herniation. Principles of Spine Surgery. Özer AF, Arslantaş A, Dalbayrak S (Eds). Intertıp Publishing House Ankara, Turkey ss 693-705, 2015
7. Koç RK: Recurrent lumbar disc herniation. Principles of Spine Surgery. Özer AF, Arslantaş A, Dalbayrak S (Eds). Intertıp Publishing House Ankara, Turkey ss 707-712, 2015